Enersolar+Brasil 2017: the future of the renewable energies
Knowledge, debates and generation of business opportunities marked the 6th edition of EnerSolar + Brasil | Feira Internacional de Tecnologias para Energia Solar [International Fair of Technologies for Solar Energy], held at São Paulo Expo, in São Paulo.
In another edition, the fair showed its strength to the market bringing technology news for the entire solar energy chain, eolic, biomass, GTDC and so on, and consolidated itself as the only qualified content platform through the simultaneously undertaking of the 7th Ecoenergy | Congresso de Tecnologias Limpas e Renováveis para a Geração de Energia [Congress of clean and renewable technologies for power generation].
“EnerSolar + Brasil 2017 brought expressive results following the trend of the renewable energies sector. It was more than 80 exhibitors, national and international, with state of the art technology and differentiated products”, affirmed Rimantas Sipas, Commercial Director of Cipa Fiera Milano, fair and Congress organizer.
Ecoenergy also was highlighted bringing a broad schedule with more than 40 lectures, gathering, along three days, enterprises leaderships, associations presidents of the renewable energy sector and professionals of the area. “Ecoenergy fostered debates focused on business, technology and legal aspects, and according to spontaneous feedback of entrepreneurs, exceed the expectations and will contribute to build partnerships in the renewable energy projects development”, explained Tatiana Dalben, Coordinator of Ecoenergy.
Highlights for new technologies and training
The 7th edition of Ecoenergy | Congresso de Tecnologias Limpas e Renováveis para a Geração de Energia, presented several and important themes related to renewable energy subject. The Congress objective is to generate discussions that may arise new opportunities and projects that meet the demand of energy through less polluting methods and generating lower environmental impact. The lectures and debates with specialists involved more than 20 currently themes directly related to renewable energy: Project financing, regulatory issues, technological advance, complementarity with others renewable energy sources, overcoming bottlenecks and team training.
Transformations occurred at the Brazilian energy sector has stimulated the grow of renewable sources. The participation of this sources totalizes 41.2% at the national energy matrix, indicator almost three times higher than the world indicator (13.8%). The data are in the bulletin “Energia no Mundo” [Energy in the World], disclosed by Secretaria de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Energético do Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME) [Planning and Energy Development Secretariat of the Ministry of Mines and Energy].
It was presented and discussed in the schedule, the great market potential that Brazil presents, specially at the eolic and photovoltaic solar energy field. Sandro Yamamoto, Technical Director of ABEEólica – Associação Brasileira de Energia Eólica [Brazilian Association of Eolic Energy], pointed out that “Brazil has one of the better winds of the world, with great intensity, free of gusts, constant and with predominance of direction”.
Last year, eolic energy supplied an average of 17 million residences monthly, in other words, a population around 52 million people. In 2016, the eolic energy generated was 33.15 TWh, value 55% higher than 2015. In this period, the eolic industry was responsible by the investment of USD 5.4 billion.
Nowadays, the eolic energy in Brazil has 11,03 GW of installed power, 443 stations, with more than 5,700 windmills. It is responsible for more than 7.1% of the Brazilian electrical matrix.
On the other side, for the photovoltaic solar energy, the presented opportunities were also innumerous. Recently, the micro and mini generation distributed reached 111 installed megawatts (MW), from which 77.6 MW are originated from photovoltaic solar source.
During the discussions, the Associação Brasileira de Energia Solar Fotovoltaica (ABSOLAR) [Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy], based on data from Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Aneel) [National Agency of Electrical Energy], showed a mapping where Brazil is already with a record number of more than 10 thousand generation facilities distributed in the entire country.
Data from EPE – Empresa de Pesquisa Energética, showed that the technical potential of the photovoltaic solar distributed generation represents more than 164 gigawatts (GW), considering only the residence roofs. A huge potential through a renewable technology and with low environmental impact. Other data exhibited by Nelson Colaferro Jr., ABSOLAR’s President, is the estimative that in 2025 Brazil will produce 7 GW of photovoltaic solar energy, which will correspond to 3.3% of the energy matrix. In 2030 will be 17 GW, or 6.8% of the matrix.
Other important topics debated were the issues of financing, with the panel “Financing offer for entrepreneurs of solar and eolic energy”; and the training of workforce “How the country is preparing itself and opportunities of work in the renewable energy market”.
Biomass Day: exclusive schedule dedicated to biomass energy
The Congress also had the Biomass Day. Joint with the second day of Ecoenergy schedule, had lectures and debates dedicated exclusively to the biomass energy Market. The Biomass Day addressed important themes, with specialists in the sector as the production of electrical energy from biomass, energetic efficiency, motors and turbines maintenance, strategic partnerships and case studies.
Nowadays, biomass is the second source of generation most important of Brazil at the Oferta Interna de Energia Elétrica (OIEE) [Internal Offer of Electrical Energy] – with registry of 8.8% in 2016, overcoming the 8.1% of natural gas participation. The information was provided by the Energy Monthly Bulletin (reference – December/2016) prepared by Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME).
Techshow – Exhibitors Lectures
Around 15 themes were addressed at Techshow. Held by the exhibitors of the fair, the lectures that were part of the schedule, addressed important themes for the renewable energies, focused in presenting new technologies and market opportunities.
Topics addressed
Generation Distributed in Brazil; Production of Solar Energy in Brazil; Credit line of the Government of State for Sustainable Energy; Inverter Systems for Distributed Generation; Freedom Controls Stationery Batteries;
Applied Distributed Generation; Ongrid Inverters; and Demand and Formation of Professionals for the sector of photovoltaic solar energy.
The next edition already has a scheduled date: May 22 to 24, 2018, at São Paulo Expo, in São Paulo.
Source: Revista Amazônia
Date: 02/07/2017