June 07 to 09, 2022

1pm to 8pm

+55 (11) 5585-4355 / 3159-1010


Fiera Milano Brasil

+55 (11) 5585-4355 / 3159-1010 |

June 07 to 09, 2022

1pm to 8pm

Fiera Milano Brasil

Problemas Brasileiros Magazine

24 de março de 2016
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Interview: Rimantas Sipas – Commercial Director of Cipa Fiera Milano

The availability of clean and renewable energy sources for energy generation and efficient use of natural resources has driven growth in participation of alternative energy, such as solar, wind and biomass. Besides meeting electric consumption need, the composition of different sources aims to make the country have a cleaner energy matrix.

The conditions to encourage the development of a photovoltaic solar energy national productive chain are the establishment of internal demand by photovoltaic industry products, plus the incentive to micro and minigeneration systems. It is also necessary to establish a set of well formulated synergistic industrial policies that puts in place the conditions for competitiveness to components and photovoltaic equipments produced in the country, such as reducing the tax payment on raw materials, components and photovoltaic equipments.

“It is essential the mix of public policies to stimulate solar energy in Brazil boost the whole development of the industry. Coupled with this movement, financing is indispensable. With the understanding among political sphere, technology producer industry and financial institutions, renewable energy will be able to have its projects expanded”, says Rimantas Sipas, Commercial Director of Cipa Fiera Milano.

In times of increased consumption and demand for alternative energy sources, EnerSolar + Brasil | Feira Internacional de Tecnologias para Energia Solar, leading fair of renewable energy in the industry, and Ecoenergy | Congresso de Tecnologias Limpas e Renováveis para a Geração de Energia present the new demands and future of the renewable energy industry in the country, and bring together on May 10-12, 2016, the whole productive chain of the solar, photovoltaic, wind energy, biomass segments at São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center, São Paulo.

With solutions focused on GTDC industries (Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Commercialization), 80 exhibitors present the latest technologies, products and services for the renewable energy industry, such as solar heaters, thermo-solar panels, photovoltaic panels, wind generators, converters, machinery for transportation and handling of biomass, heaters, boilers, among others.

In order to potentialize even more the participation of exhibitors and visitors, highlighting the agenda of EnerSolar + Brasil, o Ecoenergy | Congresso de Tecnologias Limpas e Renováveis para a Geração de Energia under the theme “Ações e políticas públicas, soluções para o financiamento, inovação tecnológica, venda de excedentes e novos negócios em energia solar (Actions and public policies, solutions for financing, technological innovation, selling surpluses and new businesses in energy field)” proposes a discussion of the most relevant themes for people who work in the area or it evaluates the visibility to invest in solar energy with roundtables and panels promoting important discussions among entrepreneurs, researchers, government officials, entities  and associations related to this sector: public policies and States’ initiatives  to engage the ongoing development of renewable energies; Technological news for the solar thermal and photovoltaic systems; Criteria and financing offer to purchase solar energy technology.

Organized by Cipa Fiera Milano, the joint events are expected to receive nearly 12 thousand professionals of the industry.

About Cipa Fiera Milano

Cipa Fiera Milano is specialized in business fairs and technical publications, and aims to bring organizations closer and create relationship opportunities by organizing big fairs and publications of segmented magazines in Latin America.

Fiera Milano in the World

Located in milan, Italy, Fiera Milano is market leader on fair and conference segments, both the number of visitors andexhibitors and the  excellence of exhibitions. With offices in eight countries around the world, Fiera Milano has a portfolio that stands out from the other fair promoters in terms of the variety of represented economic sectors and quality of events. Its exhibitions attract more than 30 thousand exhibitors and five million visitors each year.

Cipa Fiera Milano Press Office
RM Press | Strategic Communication
Claudia Maciel
+55 11 2950-4820

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