6th Ecoenergy: technological innovations, selling of surpluses and new businesses for the industry
The 6th edition of the Ecoenergy | Congresso de Tecnologias Limpas e Renováveis para a Geração de Energia (Conference of Clean and Renewable Technologies for Energy Generation) proposes a discussion of the most relevant themes for people who work in the area or it evaluates the visibility to invest in solar energy, such as public policies and States’ initiatives to engage the ongoing development of renewable energies; Technological news for the solar thermal and photovoltaic systems; and criteria and financing offer to purchase solar energy technology. It will be held from May 10 to 12, 2016 at São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center, São Paulo, together with the 5th EnerSolar + Brasil | Feira Internacional de Tecnologias para Energia Solar (International Fair of Solar Energy Technologies).
Under the central theme “Ações e políticas públicas, soluções para o financiamento, inovação tecnológica, venda de excedentes e novos negócios em energia solar (Actions and public policies, solutions for financing, technological innovation, selling surpluses and new businesses in energy field)”, Ecoenergy will present a roundtable schedule and panels promoting important discussions among entrepreneurs, researchers, government officials, entities and associations related to this sector. The schedule will be built around the following themes: Discussion about public policies, which involves dissemination and incentive to the use of thermal or photovoltaic solar energy; Analyses and benefits of the solar energy complementarity with other sources, such as wind, water and biomass; Discussion about the impact of the photovoltaic distributed generation in the consumer energy bill and alternatives to solve bottlenecks in the project funding; Normative Resolution no 482/2012; Orientation about energy exchange between consumer the local distributor; Technology homologation; new technologies applied to the thermal and photovoltaic solar systems; Challenges of the brazilian solar energy industry; Getting BNDES funding; Analysis of the funding offer; Bottlenecks in the staff training for development, project management, technology application in solar systems, as well as results of the implemented programs; Law and master plans focused on the use of solar heating systems and generation of photovoltaic energy in new businesses; tax incentives to generate solar energy and States’ accession to the reduction plan of the tax burden; and commercialization and energy in the free and regulated commercialization environment.
The Conference organization highlights that the effective contribution to develop the industry will emerge from discussions of topics in evidence. It is essencial to combine public policies to foment solar energy in Brazil and stimulate the whole industry development – technology, market dynamics, selling of produced electricity surpluses. Coupled with this movement, financing, that is indispensable, generates many questions, and it is necessary to put it into discussion. To reinforce the need of skilled collaborators, the event has a panel dedicated to training, with showcase of cases and success initiatives by companies.
With the understanding among political sphere, technology producer industry and financial institutions, renewable energy will be able to have its projects expanded.
Together with these agents, the regulatory agency (Aneel) and the electricity concessionaries are also highlighted. It is the synergy among these parts that will promote the expansion of renewable energies.
* Registration and complete schedule on the website: www.enersolarbrasil.com.br/16/o-congresso-ecoenergy
Simultaneous events
Leading fair of renewable energies in the industry, with solutions focused on the GTDC industries (Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Commercialization), and EnerSolar + Brasil | Feira Internacional de Tecnologias para Energia Solar that will bring together 80 exhibitors who present the latest technologies, products and services to the industry of renewable sources, such as solar heaters, solar thermal panels, photovoltaic panels, air-generators, converters, machinery for transportation and handling of biomass, heaters, boilers, among others. Organized by Cipa Fiera Milano, the joint events expect to receive around 12 thousand professionals in the industry.
More information EnerSolar+ Brasil: www.enersolarbrasil.com.br
V EnerSolar + Brasil | Feira Internacional de Tecnologias para Energia Solar (International Fair of Solar Power Technologies)
Date: May 10-12, 2016, 1 to 8 p.m.
*Free event for professionals of the field
Simultaneous Event: VI Ecoenergy | Congresso de Tecnologias Limpas e Renováveis para a Geração de Energia (Conference of Clean and Renewable Technologies for Energy Generation)
Date: May 10-12, 2016, 9 a.m to 6 p.m.
Agenda and registration: www.enersolarbrasil.com.br/16/programacao-ecoenergy
Venue: São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
Address: Rodovia dos Imigrantes, KM 1,5 – Água Funda, São Paulo – SP
Free transportation: Rua Nelson Fernandes, 450 – Access through Jabaquara Bus Station
About Cipa Fiera Milano
Cipa Fiera Milano is specialized in business fairs and technical publications, and aims to bring organizations closer and create relationship opportunities by organizing big fairs and publications of segmented magazines in Latin America.
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Located in milan, Italy, Fiera Milano is market leader on fair and conference segments, both the number of visitors andexhibitors and the excellence of exhibitions. With offices in eight countries around the world, Fiera Milano has a portfolio that stands out from the other fair promoters in terms of the variety of represented economic sectors and quality of events. Its exhibitions attract more than 30 thousand exhibitors and five million visitors each year.
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